Wednesday, November 06, 2002

it's been exactly one week since i last posted...
and in that time i've buried a friend and feel that i've probably alienated quite a few that are still living.

thanks to those of you who *have* been understanding and supportive. i appreciate it. especially the ones that just let me be.

but, the long and short of it is:
the hermit in me leads me to not do things. to not explain my no shows or even worse, come up with really lame excuses...
but trust me, it's never personal.
and when i'm depressed, my tendencies to duck the world is even greater.
i don't mean to ignore people, or worse make them think i'm actually actively dodging them for any other reason than wanting to be alone.
and sometimes, i really just need to be left alone.
so with that being said. i return to the world.

after saturday morning's funeral, and realizing that it probably wasn't healthy for me to spend an entire weekend inside the house and moping... allison and i decided that there was no better thing to do than to pretend to spend money!

so, we went and registered for wedding gifts we hope for and a lot we could really use...
it's almost like when i used to circle toys in the JC Penny catalog when i was ten, but i never needed any of those things.
(and usually i would receive the most practical ones... funny how those are the things i want now!!)

we drove to the detroit area and went to Crate and Barrel and to Marshall Fields. (seeing how there is absolutely no selection of anything at the Marshall Fields here in Kalamazoo.)
we also visited with allison's parents, got a couple of things repaired on the Saab and went to one of our former favorite mexican resturants in Pontiac. my parents are coming out to kalamazoo this weekend, i'm also planning on going to the black heart procession on friday.

hopefully i'll see some of you around!

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