Friday, April 18, 2003

It's one of those nights that I have every so often (actually twice this week) where I cannot get my brain to shut down and let me sleep. Of course I have a million and a half things to do tomorrow, and a million other things on the back burner that need my attention so I should get be getting some sleep. But I can't.

In my head :
(and not necessarily in this order)

I'm writing the e-mail responses to e-mail responses that haven't even happened yet.

I'm swooning over the mods that Dan has made on my beloved vespy!

I'm blissed out and kissing my beautiful new wife as John states "I pronounce you husband and wife."

I'm dancing to my grooved out mixes that I've made especially for my wedding in a wedding suit that I've yet to buy.

I'm rocking out to Taking Pictures, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Saturday Looks Good To Me, Rocket's Red Glare,Q and Not U, and the Beauty Pill here in Kalamazoo on several different dates!!

I'm designing buttons for bands/organizations/businesses that haven't yet aquired my services for button making.
(ps: if you need buttons btw, i'm your hometown source, or out of town source for that matter. fo' real!! really real.)

I'm moving to New York, no Chicago, no Northern California, no DC, no the UK.

Oh wait, I'm not moving anywhere...
I've started my promotions/design company, and opened my record store, and bought the News Agency...

Allison and Naoko have bought Ripe and Allison has her interior design firm, and does amazing design for my clients.

Now if only I were dreaming these things instead of typing them on the goddamned computer at 1:17am, I'd be all set.

On a completely different note: If you're not aware, Allison's BFA Graphic Design Closing Reception is tomorrow night and you're all invited. It is from 5-8pm in East Hall. If for no other reason, you should come because there will be free food and my baby's hard work, and reasons for being an anti-social hermit for the last six months, on full display.

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