Sunday, April 11, 2004

pieces of new york

Allison and I watched the movie Pieces of April this morning.
I had already seen it, prior to my move to New York. What I hadn't realized since then was that the apartment that the NY couple live in -- was on our block. It's interesting how blighted the filmmaker makes our street out to be. To the family, expecting the worst, I can see how it might be. To me, it's a little funny, because we're just off of Houston (pronounced: HOW-stun. Yeah, I know...) in a fairly decent area of the Lower East Side.

... but it's all there... the graffiti, the bodega on the corner -- which seems to be closed during the filming, although i've never seen it closed up, the machine shop that is usually closed... yup.
It's all there.

I wonder how my parents will "see" our street?

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