Thursday, October 03, 2002

I really don't want to have to work today. Strike that. I really don't want to have to work at my current job. Yeah, that about sums it up. I've just about had it with the News Agency. The 'usual' customers bug me, my boss bugs me, the place bugs me. I could go into specific detail, but why get myself worked up before I even get there. I'll have six and a half hours to do that when I'm required to be there.

One of my job prospects is definately not going to happen. I got one of those "thanks, but no thanks" cards through the mail today. I actually think that is quite nice though. At least it saves me the effort bothering to try to contact them now. Although, that job was the most tasty. $35-40K with a company car and expenditure coverage. Oh, well. I'm not sure I *really* wanted to work for 7-11. *laughs*

I have the house to myself for a few days. Which is weird, but nice I think. Our house guest is gone. Allison is on a drawing trip to Luddington with the design program. I plan on finishing cleaning/organizing the office and working some more on the outside trim, reading, drinking lots of coffee, listening to sad, sad music.

I'm still kinda in a funk. My mood has not taken the upward swing I was hoping it might take after Jim was gone. I think my unhappiness with my job is definately the weight that's keeping me submerged.

Music: PedrotheLion, RedHousePainters, Songs:Ohia, BlackHeartProcession
Reads: Neuromancer by William Gibson (my third or fourth reread)
Glossy: XLR8R

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