Friday, January 10, 2003

Shitlist :

1. Under extreme protest from me, I watched my boss transact a "return" of a book that I know was picked up from off the shelf and not, as stated by lowlife thief, a "gift" that he "already read."
I watched the guy from the moment he entered the store. He didn't have a book with him when he came in. He didn't have anything that he could have been carrying the book in. Not even his jacket. It was pullover with only a small pocket in the front. No way. I don't know who I'm more mad at. This guy who scammed the store out of $16, or my boss for letting him get away with it. Oh yeah, she knew. She tried her little, I'll guilt this guy into just admitting it. It never works. Lowlives don't care. Oh, and then after he gets his cash, he decides that he needs to buy some smokes. I really wanted to just throw them at him and tell him to get the fuck out. "No, don't worry, the smokes are on me, LOWLIFE!"
On a more positive note, I guess this means if I ever turn into a lowlife, I can help myself to the contents of the register, as long as I buy some smokes on the way out.

2. Guilting a friend into having a conversation with an aquaintance that "guilt-er" should be having with aforementioned third party, as it is the "guilt-ers" problem rather than the "friend's." This situation as a whole has already damaged the friendship of "friend" and "guilt-er" ...and if "friend" carries out conversation with "guilty third party" it will ultimately damage that relationship as well.


While I've found Kalamazoo overall to be a sexually repressed little town, some of you may enjoy this site. I mean, there are people that won't come into the News Agency because well sell porn. I mean, it's not that difficult to avoid it. It's locked up. You have to ask for it. You make a scene to retrieve it. You won't find it in the kids section... WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT! (more on this later.)

This site got national attention on NPR's This American Life, so to some of you it may be old news, but I'm really wondering how the hell they gave out the URL over the airwaves.

True Porn Clerk Stories

All I can say to Ali is, be thankful that "family" porn is an unfilmable fetish.
Oh, and *knocks on wood* I've never had to deal with "spooge."

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