Thursday, December 11, 2003

the shackles that bind me...

so, there's been a lot of talk lately...
you know... the usual spouting of nonsense that issues forth from my yap.
... and no, i'm not talking about the silly ass surveys i've been posting on friendster, nor the sorry ass quizzes from quizilla.

but rather, the real deal shtuff...

well, it's ALL moving in a positive direction.
i can't promise myself or any of you that there won't be some setbacks,
but that's just the way life works, right?

to clarify:

i'm getting the fuck out of Kalamazoo.
probably by march or april. may at the very, very, very latest.
which is great because this timeframe falls into my six month plan.

the scouts are scouting, and the advance troops are gathering their supplies.
we have a green light on operation: enrique freedom.

i'm going to go ahead and start my process by declaring my alliance to the Isles.


on a completely different note,
my sucky corporate job has taken away the one thing that keeps me sane:
streaming internet radio.
most streaming media went by the wayside a few months ago when they installed this "websense" system that blocks anything that eats a lot of bandwidth, but because most of the stations i like fall below our security officer's radar*. i was able to hold on to for a while... but Worf was able to figure me out. shit.

*he very much enjoys being called "security officer." he's a big star trek freak. i'm sure he refers to different areas of Bronson as: "the bridge, main engineering, transporter room one" and the likes... maybe not out loud, but inside his head. he's taking off three days because of Lord of the Rings, he dressed up as a chubby version of Ewan McGregor in the latest two Star Wars movies for Halloween, at last checkhe's got all but the last two seasons of Deep Space Nine on DVD and eagerly awaiting the release of ST:Voyager on DVD. implied judgement: nerd.

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