Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Summah, Summah, Summah, T-IME!

I know I complain about a lot of things, but I feel that most of my agonies in life are created by lack of common courtesy. What bothers me more when seeing a movie? The trio of teens in front of me, obviously tripping balls... or is it the man with the cell phone that rings about two-thirds of the way through... or is it the man with the baby, that behaves itself for more than half, but when set into cooing/crying/babbling mode for a good ten or fifteen minutes is then not taken taken into the lobby. Oh, and he's got a cell-phone too, it rings with about twenty minutes left -- yeah, the baby!!
Can you believe it?

Well, that's an easy one. It's definitely number three, followed by number two, and number one -- well, they're endearing at this point.

So, besides my aforementioned extra entertainment for my five dollar, fiddy cent* -- War of the Worlds; directed by Steven Speilberg, and starring FANNING, and the domineering side of TOMKAT...was alright. Speilberg sure does create the tension, as demonstrated by the crying child, needed for a film like this to be a passable blockbuster.
Dakota Fanning is excellent in her little nut-job way.
Cruise is alright -- I have no beef with the dude and his acting abilities. He doesn't jump on any couches. He does tell people he loves them, but it's not in a creepy cult worshiping way. Fanning has a part to play. Cruise is on let's say "Cruise-Control" -- this is not work for him, it's a few weeks of partying with his best-est buddy Steven Speilberg, known as:
B L O C K B U S T E R -- F I L M M A K I N G.

You need to suspend your belief in the probability of things. You need to let go of some of the leaps that are made. I'm hoping there's at least 15 - 20 minutes on the cutting room floor that can make up for some of the leaps I was forced to make.

I will give them this... When the "tripod" first appears and that first little thing goes popping out... I'm thinking -- LAME! Oh, how I was fooled. The tripods were great. Everything I would expect from say, The White Mountains, The City of Gold and Lead, or The Pool of Fire -- if they were made into movies.** Like the grenade aspect, very nice Mr. Spielberg. Did you glean that there idea from them?

Morgan Freeman is great for voice-over/narration work. It seems worthless to criticize him for his limited role in this work. Intro. Outro. PAYDAY. Whooooo.
So, I won't blame him.

I just wish instead of the whole basement/crazy Tim Robbins run-in or Thee Olde Ferry-Fiasco... they would've spent more time explaining what was going on with the tripods!! Duh?! Hey lets spend less time introducing us to the extras who die***, lose the hard-assed son, and get down to some story development. I mean, what's with the tripods "stabbing" humans, what *IS* with the blood red plants? I mean any moron -- even Ray, can see that they're dying, but why? Really? I think that's some common courtesy that needs to be understood by directors --especially those of the supposed calibre as Mr. Spielberg. Storytelling. Do it. Please?

Nevermind, cue Mr. Freeman please.

Or wait, I got it... if we would've had Ray's brother in the movie instead of Ray... he would have had the answers we were looking for... and if Speilberg had a brother we would've gotten the movie we were looking for?

Oh, and one last thing... the son should've died. For stealing the car, he should've fucking died.

*not including the S U P E R C O M B O.

** or should I say when? WHEN?

*** they die, Robbins dies, but why doesn't the son again?

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