Thursday, August 04, 2005

Making the Band

I remember trying to convince Brooke Rossi that she had what it took to be the front-person for a band...
I don't think it was quite as hard as it has been trying to convince Allison.
Granted, when we lived in Kalamazoo we had started... twice.
The first time was a short lived project that was pretty much doomed from the get go.
The second was doomed as well, as we knew we were going to end up moving to NYC.

Recently though, I've found that it's best to talk about bands and such, when she's had a few drinks. The only problem is that later she claims to not remember having the conversations. So, I figured I should write this down so I don't have to start from scratch again.

She has agreed that she is musically inclined enough to figure out plenty of songs on piano, guitar, and bass.
She is a little timid about her ability to "jam" and also is not really into writing lyrics -- mainly concerned that she's going to give away dark secrets, be too cheesy, or write about things that she might later regret.
She thinks that stage presence is an issue, but feels like her style would be somewhere between Karen O (Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs) and Gwen Stefani.

I strongly agree that she's musically inclined.
Probably more-so than myself, and I think with enough practice she could be really, really good.
As far as "jamming" goes... I have never considered myself a "jammer."
In the past, it usually worked in the sense that I would figure out a complete song built around a bass line, and then band members would build the rest of the song around that. I'd usually hand them a tape and say... "Figure something out for this later. Let's practice the songs we know." If that makes me a "jammer," then call me a "jammer," but I hate the term.

Lyrics are always hard.
I mean, either your fucking Ted Leo and everything that comes out of your mouth is so thoughtfully provocative and intelligently insightful... or you're Jim Morrison and your lyrics are insipid and pretensions beyond belief.
I mean, do you make everything rhyme? or is that lame?
How personal do you get? How vague can you be?
My thought has always been, it's not what you say but how you say it.
If you say, "La, La, Love you..." you better mean it.
If you say, "Nazi Punks, Fuck Off..." you better be able to back it up.

I think every good band, or songwriter has a song they regret writing.
I think that's why they might refuse to play the song later in their careers.
They've moved on from that sentiment... for maybe, better or worse.
It's the nature of songwriting.

I don't think stage presence is much of an issue. I've seen this girl sing karaoke.
Sure, she isn't going to swing from the rafters or stage-dive, but do I want that anyway?
I mean, the first time you get on the stage and perform... it's petrifying.
If it's like mine... she will face the back of the room and/or stare at what her fingers are doing on the fretboard.

...and I have nothing to worry about with stage looks...
this is my wife we're talking about....
you've seen this girl put together outfits.
It's a no-brainer.

Anyway, I think the convincing has been done.
I've just got to get her a guitar now.

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