Friday, October 06, 2006

Chivalry? HA! Subtlety's Dead.

(Or, How I Learn to Stop Worrying and Loathe the Leer.)

(Or, Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer.)

(Or, Drool much?)

I have been known to sneak a second glance at a nice looking lady -- there's no denying that.
What is also undeniable is the incredible percentage of New York City men that are so interchangably disgusting.
I have never ever seen so many men* turn around and physically crane their necks to stare at women's asses; giving some sort of sexually-strained, just short of wolf-whistle, praise to the God of Perfect Ass,** the way they do in this city.
It's mindblowing.
I don't know whether to laugh at how pathetic it seems or cry foul.
Obviously, I'm not worried about being called any kind of homophobic slurs which willl ultimately be launched in my direction if I were to speak up against this form of assault.
Nor am I looking to score points with species: "REAL MAN***"
So, does anyone have any suggestions that won't end with me getting my ass handed to me?

* "Black, White, Indian, Puerto Rican, and Asian"
** As expressed above, varies by race of man and woman involved.
*** Read: Douchebag

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