Thursday, March 13, 2003

I am not a patient boy.
Sure, I'm good at killing time, but this waiting to hear from new job is killing me.

My last day at the News Agency is Sunday.
Miss it? Hardly. You all know.

I wrote this gigantic post on all of my hatred for customers, but I didn't post it...
It was pretty funny. Maybe I should reconstruct it.

I've let some of my favorite customers know that I'm leaving. None of them have expressed anything but happiness for me... which is, of course, what I expected. I think the majority of those that I've spoken with know what a pain it must be to work for Dean.

In killing time, I've watched the Ring, twice, I'd definately recommend this movie. SO GOOD!
Also the Rules of Attraction, (Ellis' books are so tedious while the films of said novels are so enjoyable.) as well as, Igby Goes Down, and the Omen.
I also finished up William Gibson's Pattern Recognition.

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