Tuesday, April 26, 2005

summer movie madness

I really wish my wife were into going to the movies...
and then, I wish she was into creepy/zombie/horror and science fiction movies...
'cuz it looks as if this summer is full'uv'um.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (FUN!!)

High Tension

Night Watch//Nochnoi Dozor
(A Russian horror trilogy of epic proportions?)

War of the Worlds
(A Tom Cruise/Stephen Speilberg vehicle... I know, I know....)

SW III: Revenge of the Sith
(I've seen all the others, not seeing this one would be an ultimate sacralige... and it looks as if it might be the saving grace?)

The Devil's Rejects
(Rob Zombie's latest... looks as if it could be an old school gorefest/creepout... although I'll probably wait until it comes out on video.)

Undead (ZOMBIES! ...and aliens... hrrmm?)

The Island (Logan's Blade Run(ner) 2: Clone Wars?)

George Romero's Land of the Dead (tm)

and there's Batman Begins... which I guess fits into neither of the above categories because it's really a comic book movie...

and Crash looks pretty good... and no it's not a reinterpretation of J.G. Ballard's book by the same name... I'd never get Allison to see that... this Crash... maybe.

However, before the summer hits, I still need to see Sin City.
...and I'm still waiting for a release date for A Scanner Darkly

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