Leave it to Pitchforkmedia.com... again, summing up my
feelings about Music File Sharing.
Duh, I didn't know that was illegal, George. *
... however I did say that I would talk about my
feelings about the Music Industry as a whole, and it
goes a little something like this... HIT IT.
Universal Music Group dropping prices on CDs.
As many have mentioned before, it's about fucking
time. CDs cost
nothing to make. Not that
you're all not aware of this, but when you buy a CD
you're not just paying for the music -- you're paying
for an artist's marketing, the money that they use to
pay record exec. salaries -- from the VP's of the
company to the bagel money for the lowly interns, the
money that is used to help promote an artists' tour,
the money to pay the producers of the record, the
remixers of the singles, for the promotional t-shirts,
hats, frisbees, and widgets, etc., etc.
The question I'm asking myself time and time again is:
Do I want to pay for all of that when I buy a record?
More times than not, it's no.
When I'm buying a major label recording, it's usually
a back catalog item of an artist that either:
a.) doesn't tour anymore
b.) I'm not interested in seeing them perform
their "new" material or the "Greatest Hits" tour --
(unless it's Mission of Burma, maybe the Pixies...)
c.) Is a band that is broken up and won't have
any new material (Prime example: I'm doubting the
extra cash made on the Smiths back catalogue sales are
going to Morrissey or Marr to help their new projects
or solo outings. Rather, they're paying for the
catering on the second leg of Cher's Farewell
... I
really mean it this time... Tour)
d.) the artist is fucking dead. (They don't
need anymore marketing, man... they're dead!! Not
saying that Shannon Hoon, Brad Nowell, Jimi Hendrix
[Blind Melon... bee girl... heroin overdose... //
Sublime... "poppin' cap's in Sancho's ass"... heroin
overdose...// His Experience... lighting guitars on
fire ... oh never mind... but you remember, right?]
families don't deserve royalties for their respective
wonderful catalogues of work... okay, one at least.)
and half the time... if it's a major label release...
I won't buy it, I'll just download it.
Let some superfan, or the kids pay for that shit...
I did when I was 15.
So, Universal Music Group has decided that they don't
need to make as much money on CD sales to do all of
the things that they have done in the past? Is that
right? Did they decide that they'd rather sell
records to the people instead of promoting the artists
through music videos that, unless the artist is under
25 -- (or pretending to be, ahem, Liz Phair,) sexy
(okay, so Liz Phair has still got it going on --
sellout!,) and singing bland, over produced, pop tunes
(oh yeah, that's you too Liz Phair... don't front.)
we'll never,
ever see. (By "never,
I mean, at least the number of times I saw VanHalen's
"Jump" video when it came out in 1984 -- which, by the
way, was at least every hour and a half -- 16 times a
day -- go DLR! You got some milage out of those
fringy pants and tae kwon do classes!!)
Also, while I'm bashing the girl who created the
critically acclaimed, and fan loved--to a point where,
on several occasions, I've almost gotten my ass kicked
by for arguing its merits-- album, Exile at
Guyville... And I quote:
"We're already wet and we're gonna go swimming" -- Why
Can't I? from s/t
You actually paid a writing team for that, Liz Phair?
IF this was still Exile on Guyville... you'd just say
it like it is... you're, f...f...f...fucking!!
So are things in the music industry really going to
Is crappy ass marketing going to take a backseat to
the music...
if not how the labels going to pay for all the
More unpaid interns for sweatshop labor to make
or are ticket prices for concerts going to go up
Will we see more tours tagged with advertising to pay
for them?
Are artists going to play more shows at smaller
(maybe... better) venues?
Tours cost money. No doubt about it. Liz Phair is
not sleeping on cat-piss stained floors or Joel Wick's
fabled "Curt Cobain Couch" anymore, nor is she taking
a $10 meal buy-out at Harvey's... I mean South Town.
But wouldn't it be nice if you could see, say Missy
Elliott at the Metro in Chicago for $50, rather than
from the nosebleed seats on a gimongous jumbotron at
the United Center for $50 or more.
Artist these days are like spoiled, pampered little
trust fund children -- no offense to the Strokes, mind
you. They live lifestyles like athletes, but don't
see all the money up front after signing that big
bucks contract... sometimes they don't see the money
at all. Most no name major label signees end up owing
their record labels... some, like TLC, magically go
but I digress...
Ultimately, Universal Music Group's lowering of list
prices is going to start a pricing war between the
other companies. And it's about
God Damn time.
I know that my music purchasing is never based on
cost... I mean, Christ I buy 150 gm vinyl at $18.00 a
pop, when I could buy the CD for $14 or less... but it
used to be... hence all of my cassette purchases
between ages 13 through 17... but really, for kids who
are on an allowance... if they have a choice between
buying the new Good Charlotte record for $10 or the
new Avril Lavine for $17. They're going to buy the
new GC and download Avril. It's that simple.
Kids think you've been gouging them for years on the
cost of albums, so lower the goddamn prices and
re-think your marketing strategies. MTV doesn't play
videos anymore, so don't make videos. Pepsi wants
your artist to be a spokesperson -- get a kickback and
use that cash to pay for the artists next recording
I don't have all of the answers. But here's where it
More to follow...
Stay tuned.
Look for a record review section coming soon as well.
Listening to:
Jimmy Eat World -- Bleed American (Dreamworks) **
The Constantines - Shine A Light (SubPop)
Pleasure Forever -- Alter (SubPop)
Year of the Rabbit - s/t (Elektra) -- Ex-Failure
frontman Ken Andrew's new project **
Smog -- Red Apple Falls (Drag City)
XLR8R Magazine
The Mote in God's Eye - Niven/Pournelle
* as said in the voice of Warner Brother's cartoon character, whose name I don't recall nor
species I am familiar with either... but, he's big, gumpy, and is the side kick of a smaller
character of the same species... I think they're the foils to Speedy Gonzales.
** promo copies purchased on e-bay (illegally, mind you...) for far less than the list or retail
price. gawd, i'm a bastard.